Fight gay pride flag emoji

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And in Bucks County it was hoisted in front of the administration building, marking the first time the government there has raised a LGBTQ pride flag. Regionally, both Upper Darby and New Castle counties raised the flag.

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The city of Tampa, Florida hung the flag outside their city hall, same with Boulder, Colorado and several cities in California. Most recently, the flag has been used in Black Lives Matter protests in myriad cities. But one LGBTQ export is uniquely Philadelphia’s, and it has grown steadily more popular and relevant this year: the black and brown-striped rainbow flag.įor the month of June, the Philadelphia Pride flag was shown across the country, raised in front of government buildings, donned by people participating in virtual pride events, and hung in the windows of homes. The first Pride parades took place in America in 1970, and the concept quickly went international.

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The “More Color, More Pride” Flag (photo: Kelly Burkhardt)

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